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spillray - biancaneve hotel

Our Spillray pendants, synonym of elegance and essential shape, lighten with a glamorous touch the lounge bar of this adorable Hotel, surrounded by the Italian Alps.

Opened by Walter Riffeser in 1977, Biancaneve Hotel has been for 30 years an elegant and functioning residence in one of the most panoramic locations of Selva di Valgardena.

In 2006 Walter and his wife Irma decided to change the structure, transforming it in the first Family Hotel in Selva di Val Gardena. Inside the hotel, with a contemporary design linked to Tyrolean furniture, families are welcome and everything is studied to make children happy.

The location has a natural elegance and the services, such as the SPA, are in line with the most demanding taste.


Biancaneve Hotel

Architect: Rudolf Perathoner

Photos by: Meraner & Hauser

Lighting design by: Lichtstudio Eisenkeil